Saturday, June 28, 2008
On Not Giving Up
Failed again? Excellent
You are a lucky devil you know,
to be learning from the best teacher
in the whole world.
Because that's what failure really is,
A teacher,
A rung in the ladder,
A clever device to test,
your talent,
your courage,
your thirst for success.
And if you persevere and push,
And hang on long enough,
And grit your teeth,
And still manage to smile,
you will bask in the sunshine.
What's more? You will sleep well at night.
There is a difference between knowing failure and knowing failure.
PS: These inspirational words are from one of the poster in my lab. I kinda liked it!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Muffled Screamssss

Am very much frustrated today for no obvious reason. It is one of those days when you just feel like you want to EXPLODE!
Sometimes. Just sometimes. Not all the times, I feel the urge to SCREAM!!
I feel this is the best way to let out all the stress, anger and accumulated feelings that have been bottled up inside of you for so long!
A scream for each time I smiled and nodded my head when someone cuts in front of my car in a traffic jam!
For every time I felt disrespected or mistreated and just didn't speak up.
For all those disappointing moments in my life.
A Scream of REgret, Anger, Frustration, STRESS!
For all those times I felt disappointed!
For all the times I felt USED!!
Scream till my vocal cords can scream no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaahhhhhhh
SO LOUD that my ear drums feel like they are going to burst!
SREAM for soo long...
let all these negative feelings out of my system..
till suddenly I'm surrounded by a peaceful sense of serenity....
a feeling of safety...
all i hear is the sound of nothingness....
nothing but a LOUD SILENCE...
I know, in reality its kind of inappropriate to scream like that or I'll be officially seen as a psychopath! Just pass me a pillow it will do for now!!! ARGH?!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
This is another phase of my life when I'm THIS low.
I feel as if I'm hit by some sort of axe.
I have got used to it.
Because, this is'nt the first time.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I make my own destiny!

Many people believe that God casted every individual soul into 'destinies'? But did you ever wonder that why is He 'testing' us after all? If He has already decided that we are going to do so and so 'good deed' and so and so 'bad deed' in our 'life', then why testing?
The Noble Quran ascribes a free and active role to man, describing him as capable of consciously fashioning his own destiny with a knowledge of good and bad, ugly and beautiful, and the capacity to choose between them.
We have shown the path to man, and he is free to choose the right path and be thankful or to choose the path of ingratitude. (76:3) Whoever wishes for the eternal abode and strives for it as needed will find his efforts rewarded. (17:19)
Whenever we fail to reach our goals and ideals, for whatever reason, we blame our "luck", "destiny," "fate" albeit, our choice which we took, our improper use of intellect and knowledge and other powers.
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped”Although, there are certain factors which controls our destiny...
1. It often happens that we decides to do something but however hard we tries, we somehow, sometimes are unable to accomplish it. The reason for this is not that God's will opposes itself to our will and prevents us from doing what we wishes. It is rather that in such cases some unknown external factor which lies beyond the scope of our knowledge and control creates obstacles in our way and prevents us from attaining our goals.
2. God has set billions of factors to work in the order of being. Sometimes those factors are apparent to us, at other times they remain unknown to us and cannot be incorporated in our calculations. This, too, relates to fate and destiny, but not only does it not result in depriving our free will or prevent us from striving to attain satisfaction in life; it also guides us in both thought and activity and imbues the very depths of our being with greater vitality. We seeks to augment our knowledge and identify, as precisely as possible, the factors that pave the way for attaining greater success in life. Belief in fate and destiny is then a potent factor in advancing ourselves towards our aims and ideals.
3. Our destinies change when the factors and causes regulating them change-what appears to be eternal and immutable changes in accordance with a change in our conduct and acts. Just as material factors can reshape our destiny, non-material factors may also elicit new phenomena or happening that is through a change in causes and circumstances, God will decree that a new phenomenon will appear, more beneficial than the phenomenon it has replaced.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Impatient, that is me
Impatience is an opposite of patience or having a lack of patience.
Being patient is one of the hardest feats in the world for me to master. I am just unable to put something out of my head and wait patiently for it to resolve itself – it makes me feel antsy and in a perpetual limbo of nothingness that's going nowhere. I'm sure that makes absolutely no sense to you, but basically, I feel like climbing walls and scraping stone with my bare nails in order to find answers to questions that are plaguing me. Or to have something I want happen to just happen already.
I consider it a terrible vice. My impatience, that is. And right now, I am being forced to be patient about so many different issues. It's driving me nuts.
And if you think about it, there are the short-term issues to be patient about, which are all keeping me up at night of course because I just can't let things be, and then there's the long-term issues you are forced to be patient about as well, because it may be years before you get what you want, if you're able to be patient enough to keep persevering at accomplishing your goals. It's like being stuck in a pile of mud, unable to move in any direction.
I am sure this makes no sense but it's okay, I'm a selfish blogger. Have a little patience for me, will ya?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Condescending Phrases...

- Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
- The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
- I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
- Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
- I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't care.
- I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
- What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
- I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
- I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
- I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
- Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
- No, my powers can only be used for good.
- How about never? Is never good for you?
- I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
- You sound reasonable...Time to up my medication.
- I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
- I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...
- It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy.
- At least I have a positive attitude about my destructive habits.
- You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
- I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
- Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
family guy
Back then when I was in Abu Dhabi, I never missed a single episode of 'family guy'. For those who don't know what the h-e-c-k family guy is, here this video. It reminds me of my childhood! I used to always do this! LOL to my mom and brothers!!
I know, I'm so evil!! :P *evil laugh* buwahahaaa
like us...

all bearing nothing
the visible signs
of the invisible paths.
keeping fit...

or don't...
either way
we end up being insignificant...
as far as eternity is concerned
as close as history can see.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Can you beleive that? Reporter gene imaging!

I found this amazing 10 minutes video clip from Stanford University School of Medicine in which they shown how in each stem cell, transcription and translation of luciferase into bioactive light-emitter was detected with sensitive, noninvasive instrumentation (CCD cameras from Caliper) directly in alive, sleeping animals.
What more? Just enjoy watching that wonderful clip!

who are so quite
that we have to stop and dig deep
in their eyes
to hear their pain
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Science goes gaming!! Well, it is a game!

I just saw a remarkable take on an age-old problem: Protein Folding.
David Baker at the University of Washington converted the problem of protein folding into an interactive game that we can play. Just imagine!! A game!! Check it out at (currently beeing /. to death)
Smart they! They’re actually trying to train us like a neural network of sorts- first we learn to fold known protein structures, and then the group will release new “puzzles” of unknown or unreleased structures and see how the the borg collective does against other folding projects .
Suicidal thoughts!

Have u ever felt that you didn't fit in?! Like you are a stranger in this world? Feared death yet longed for it soo much?? IS death really the answer? Some people who commit suicide think by doing that their horrible life is over. Suicide is not the answer I know
PS: Bemused? don't be! 'Well, that was just a thought. you know...
Well i know what I am. I am mature enough to sit there with a 40/50/ 60 year with no problem having a deep meaningful conversation. Childish enough to spend hours playing with kids and making all sorts of goofy noises. teehheee
What does maturity mean?
It only means that you are now acting MORE aware of how crappy life is!! After that realization of the abundance of deception, cruelty, backstabbing, selfishness, immorality, destruction, fakeness, poverty, jealousy, greed.. etc..etc. Its hard to be gullible, trusting, positive and all those braidy bunch & legally blonde feelings!
You realize how stupid you were thinking life was simple. A nice bed time story no longer makes the "monsters" go away. A chocolate bar doesn't heal or fix what the years have broken. A good friend could also end up being a GREAT enemy. Happiness is no longer based on watching cartoons like "powerpuff girls", "peter pan", " snow white", "KND" etc
Is it part of growing up that we get sick of things easily?! Why are we so hard to please now?! Why is it the older we get the more we feel the old days were much better!?!?!
I always said I would never change no matter what experiences I go through but even ROCKS are worn out by the continuous water flow. I have changed somehow.Umm.. well, we all change in the cycle of life. I hope I did to the better. But all i just hope i never forget how to have fun and appreciate the simple things in life cause that would simply be DEPRESSING! *sigh*
Friday, June 6, 2008
I am right here!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Been kind of busy. But well, the less I blog the more things I feel I need to blog about!
I was wondering about how carried we humans are. I mean, you know how sometimes you are in a situation and someone says or does something and you say something like " i CANT BELIEVE HE/SHE DID THAT?" or " If I was in her place I would never DO THAT?"And we tend to get a bit judgmental when we compare ourselves to others and we get carried away with our judgments not realizing that they are nothing but false accusations we base on our reference to ourselves and our experiences.
We have to realize that we are all different. Not even two people in this WHOLE world are exactly the same. We might agree more with some people, disagree with others, want to avoid a few because they GET ON YOUR NERVES! LOL, technically right!
BUT we also might find a lot in common with someone and when we do meet that person we feel is our "LONG LOST TWIN". We tend to assume they are like us in every way. When in reality they are THEM and YOU are YOU.
Not ONE person is like you in EVERY single way and knowing that we should ACCEPT that different people react differently and ACCEPT people for who they are instead of trying to turn them into YOU!
And just because someone doesn't react like you doesn't mean they are wrong. Doesn't even mean you are wrong! It just means you are different. Umm, different yet normal!
And speaking of normal. Well, what is normal ? A normal reaction? I feel that there is no such thing as "normal". The definition of normal nowadays is what is COMMON and as soon as someone decides to go against the tide or be unique or original, they are seen as abnormal or weird! Oh wait, I didn't end yet! plus being NORMAL IS OVERRATED!!! Boooo!!
I'd rather be SPECIAL, not the special that is thrown in mental hospitals though LOL
Anyway, the point is. Each person is different and expresses themselves differently. A poet could write a poem, a singer could sing a song, a painter could paint you a portrait, but just because they are talented and have the gift of expressing themselves in better ways, doesn't make their love stronger or deeper or more real!!
PS: There is no correlation to be drawn between the picture and the blog. LOL! I have just kept that one 'cause I found it good to look at. :P