If I could become two persons right now, so that Pissed Off Naaz beat up Procrastinator Idiot Stupid Lazy Naaz, then believe me I would.
I would love to sit me down and give me a piece of my [other] mind, while of course dispersing the talking-to with quite a bit of obscenities. And the thing is, I'd deserve it. I'd deserve MORE.
For almost TWO MONTHS now, I've known about a PhD entrance test cum scholarship that I would like to apply for, and all this time, I didn't check up the dates. Its more than a week that I'm still feeling bad about it.
Man I am the loser of the century.
AND LOOK. I'm writing a damn BLOG POST!!!
Will I ever learn?
And so the race against time continues...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008

fear of the known
exceeds fear of the unknown…
if the former translates
into betrayal
or simply
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
flowers are red
"Flowers are red
Green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than they way they always have been seen"
Why should we see things the way it has always been seen? Why not the way we want to see?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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