It's back. It's so completely back. This is VERY BAD. Very very bad.
The insomnia is back - has been for THREE DAYS now. It is 4:47 in the morning and I am WIDE AWAKE. Last night I passed out at 4:45 I think.
The night before that, I did'nt sleep at all as I was traveling back home in an idiotic cumbersome bus. And both times, I'm wide awake 3 hours later. NOW, instead, it's almost 5, there's no hope or salvation in sight, and I am SO gonna pay for this tomorrow.
I'm like the living dead. When I'm not being unnaturally hyper, that is.
My mind has been racing for three days now. And I lost the brakes that will make it stop and park on the side for a while so I can recharge my batteries.
What to do, what to do, what to do????
If I don't get some relief soon, my plan is to just run as fast as I can straight into the wall, head first. I'm thinking, the impact will probably knock me out, and I'll sink, unconscious, to the floor, and indulge in a deep and undisturbed sleep.
Good idea, no?
Yes, yes. Good idea.
Or may be instead of banging the wall you would end up in a distant harry potter land :) nw tat wld be fun aintit :D
good idea tintin! :D
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