If you’re looking for an unusual, sickly yet cuddly gift for your loved one, try these out...

Cough (Bordetella pertussis)
Coughs aren't just for smokers anymore -- now anybody can get one!

The more brain cells you have, the smarter you are.
Fat Cell (Adipocyte)

With our little personal trainer around, you'll always be watching your weight.

Breaking out is hard to do. Learn the facts.

Malaria (Plasmodium falciparum)
The tropics have coconuts, soft beaches, clear water, shiny fish, colorful birds, steel drums, umbrella drinks. And Malaria. All that you imagined. haha

Your pets will be foaming at the mouth to get one of our Rabies dolls.

Mange (Sarcoptes scabei)
Who you calling mangy? I'm just along for the ride! Find out more.

Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis)
A bad relationship can break your pets' heart. But they'll love this little worm!

Salmonella (Salmonella typhimurium)
Which came first: the chicken, or the egg -- or the Salmonella bacteria?

Improved hygiene and readily available antibiotics keep this bad boy at bay. But what a history.

Mad Cow Disease(Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
When bovine prions stampede the wrong way, everyone says Moo!
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