Saturday, June 28, 2008

On Not Giving Up

Failed at something? Good

Failed again? Excellent

You are a lucky devil you know,
to be learning from the best teacher
in the whole world.

Because that's what failure really is,
A teacher,
A rung in the ladder,
A clever device to test,
your talent,
your courage,
your thirst for success.
And if you persevere and push,
And hang on long enough,
And grit your teeth,
And still manage to smile,
you will bask in the sunshine.
What's more? You will sleep well at night.

There is a difference between knowing failure and knowing failure.

PS: These inspirational words are from one of the poster in my lab. I kinda liked it!


The New Age Superhero said...

failure is a perception.. so is success.. we never succeed.. we never fail.. it's all a myth

- saint me :P

Naaz Farheen Rahman said...


failure is like a rut which wouldnt let you skid in a pool of mud called success

ofcourse you are a saint brick...who denied :P