I have been carving so long looking various means to vent down my anger and I think blogging is just the place!
It was just another terrific day. I was strucked in the damn traffic for like 5 HOURS!! on the same route which takes not more than 15 minutes to travel and had a so called near death experience of a life time. Okay! here's a quick sneek peek, I was driving my car back home from lab. The the day was splendidly marvellous with that quenching sun and unbearable 40 degree heat. I drove happily for few minutes and thats when I found myself in traffic I definitely had no reason to be stuck in! It's one thing to be caught in traffic but its just another thing to be caught in traffic that is UNNECESSARY!
If I would have been late for about quarter minute, sure that bastard lorry driver would have knocked my car down. And tell you what, it is not something new in Hyderabad now. Whether you see a BMW or some tin can with wheels, you have a maverick driver behind the wheel. Every one happily violates the traffic rules. If you try to follow these "nonexistent" rules, others make you look like a chump. There is total disregard for others' safety. Traffic signals do not mean anything more than blipping lights around the corner. I sometimes, don't figure whether it's just a mad rush or men trying to get their pregnant wives to a hospital, everyone seems to be in crisis to reach "somewhere" in a jiffy.
This is a pretty common sight you getto see in Hyderabad
hehe... ever tried mumbai's traffic :D
someday our country will decide to improve.. someday the governing bodies will say.. "oh.. lets use our heads".. someday they'll understand that infrastructure IS a problem that needs to be resolved.. till then.. we suffer :P
awww.... poor Naaz... Im glad that the accident didnt happen!
n ... there is no point in getting angry ..tho anger can be a healthy thing... but not in case of a matter where you cant do anything about it :P like the traffic in Hyderabad :P
n yea...I know ... I know the feeling... eee.... dont even want to think about it.
Just stay safe... dont go in the sun, stay inside .... and drive carefully with ur airconditioning on :D
n play good music ... while u drive :D
Hope u dont have any such experiences any more!
hey brick :D
no, I didn't but I have a lot about the scary traffic from there:P *hoooo, a mere thought of traffic gives me goose bumps* :P
ahahaa.... my friend that would happen in the year 4040 or something LOL and YES till then we suffer
hey esfand :D
I'm really thankful to God that that thing didn't happen
I know, true, we cant do anything
thanks and I hope the same :D
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