Friday, October 16, 2009

A hollow state of mind

"I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine."
- Fritz Perls

"Too much of a good thing is wonderful."
- Mae West

"To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer."
- Someone, I forget who.

Naaz's To Do List for a boring day like Today
  1. Ignore all those troublesome things which are on mind.
  2. Kill someone.
  3. Find medication for out-of-control temper. Stop snapping at random strangers who piss me off. Stop getting so pissed off. I am aging over here.
  4. Get new nose - one which doesn't sneeze. This nose I have SUCKS.
  5. Seduce someone. I am bored. I have nothing else to do.
  6. Start studying albeit.
  7. And STOP THINKING about stupid things!
To be continued.....


  1. Don't spill anything on your kurta.
  2. Stop eating that damn bournville. I hate bournville. And I didn't earn it anyway.
  3. Stop thinking about the ice cream in the freezer.
  4. Stop twirling hair.
  5. Stop wasting time on ORKUT and FACEBOOK!
  6. Stop adding shit to this list.

1 comment:

Faiyaz said...

was like a woody allen movie !

"seduce someone" - roflmao....that was frikkin random !