what I once was
I will never be again.
what I am
I have never been
and never will...
isn’t it strange
that I never am
what I really am?...
"Flowers are red
Green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than they way they always have been seen"
Why should we see things the way it has always been seen? Why not the way we want to see?
kabhi kabhi aditi .....zindagi mein yuhi.... apna lagta hai
kabhi kabhi aditi woh bichad jaaye to.... lagta hai
kabhi kabhi to lage zindagi mein rahi naa khushi aur naa mazaa
kabhi kabhi to lage....................
Sometimes she switches, and starts singing nursery rhymes:
elley the elephant goes
this way and that
she is so very big
she is so very fat........
And then she continues with her song:
aise mein koi kaise muskuraye kaise hass de khush hoke aur kaise koi soch le everything gonna be okay
sonch zara jaane jaa tujhko hum kitna chahte hai
raat ke baad hi to savera hota hai..
(Then she hums a little 'cause I don't think she knows the words)
In response, I start playing in my iTunes the songs she's singing, and I blasted for her.
That's her cue to toss aside all her things and toy stuffs. In seconds, she's in my room, and I, also in response, jump out of my chair, and of course, we start dancing. And we start jumping from one bed to its sister bed before falling and twisting our ankles.
With the music reverberating throughout the house, it grasps my mother's attention, and she scurries downstairs to see what all the fuss is about. My brother subsequently start screaming and we just nod our heads in agreement. And after some time, she return back to my room asking to play it again.
This time, we started producing strange, scary noises and scared the hell outta everyone!
Man! that kid cracks me up!
I have been carving so long looking various means to vent down my anger and I think blogging is just the place!
It was just another terrific day. I was strucked in the damn traffic for like 5 HOURS!! on the same route which takes not more than 15 minutes to travel and had a so called near death experience of a life time. Okay! here's a quick sneek peek, I was driving my car back home from lab. The the day was splendidly marvellous with that quenching sun and unbearable 40 degree heat. I drove happily for few minutes and thats when I found myself in traffic I definitely had no reason to be stuck in! It's one thing to be caught in traffic but its just another thing to be caught in traffic that is UNNECESSARY!
If I would have been late for about quarter minute, sure that bastard lorry driver would have knocked my car down. And tell you what, it is not something new in Hyderabad now. Whether you see a BMW or some tin can with wheels, you have a maverick driver behind the wheel. Every one happily violates the traffic rules. If you try to follow these "nonexistent" rules, others make you look like a chump. There is total disregard for others' safety. Traffic signals do not mean anything more than blipping lights around the corner. I sometimes, don't figure whether it's just a mad rush or men trying to get their pregnant wives to a hospital, everyone seems to be in crisis to reach "somewhere" in a jiffy.
This is a pretty common sight you getto see in Hyderabad
This past month, I’ve had plenty to blog about, but no time to indulge in the therapeutic pastime that blogging has become.
To put it mildly, it’s been a pretty busy especially these 'weeks'.
In no particular order, I’ve:
In conclusion, I vow to provide detailed posts explaining all of the above. Especially, the baby sitting stories where those three *ahmmm monsters...* woops, did I tell monsters...Oh, I mean angels are making my life a very happy place to live. *smiles forcibly*
I guess I could be really pissed off about what happened to me, but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain. And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday.Can you make out from which movie that quote was? I remember, when I first watched that movie I couldn't make head or tail of those words. I guess now, I understand.
The Noble Quran ascribes a free and active role to man, describing him as capable of consciously fashioning his own destiny with a knowledge of good and bad, ugly and beautiful, and the capacity to choose between them.
We have shown the path to man, and he is free to choose the right path and be thankful or to choose the path of ingratitude. (76:3) Whoever wishes for the eternal abode and strives for it as needed will find his efforts rewarded. (17:19)
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped”Although, there are certain factors which controls our destiny...
Being patient is one of the hardest feats in the world for me to master. I am just unable to put something out of my head and wait patiently for it to resolve itself – it makes me feel antsy and in a perpetual limbo of nothingness that's going nowhere. I'm sure that makes absolutely no sense to you, but basically, I feel like climbing walls and scraping stone with my bare nails in order to find answers to questions that are plaguing me. Or to have something I want happen to just happen already.
I consider it a terrible vice. My impatience, that is. And right now, I am being forced to be patient about so many different issues. It's driving me nuts.
And if you think about it, there are the short-term issues to be patient about, which are all keeping me up at night of course because I just can't let things be, and then there's the long-term issues you are forced to be patient about as well, because it may be years before you get what you want, if you're able to be patient enough to keep persevering at accomplishing your goals. It's like being stuck in a pile of mud, unable to move in any direction.
I am sure this makes no sense but it's okay, I'm a selfish blogger. Have a little patience for me, will ya?
I found this amazing 10 minutes video clip from Stanford University School of Medicine in which they shown how in each stem cell, transcription and translation of luciferase into bioactive light-emitter was detected with sensitive, noninvasive instrumentation (CCD cameras from Caliper) directly in alive, sleeping animals.
What more? Just enjoy watching that wonderful clip!
‘Cut-to’ moments when you find yourself sitting with your chin resting on your palm, or sitting on the sofa, absentmindedly staring at the formations on the mosaic floor, looking at nothing, feeling nothing in particular.
And in that phase, you find yourself become a passenger of the bus, rather than the driver of this bus called 'life'. From cutting through a day, embracing and grabbing and tackling and devouring and making an experience of each thing that makes up your routine day, you imperceptibly transform into one that goes through the motions of the same routines. Much like how a coin might feel in a slot machine. Or a drop of water that gets jostled and knocked over the edge of some water fall. The feel sometimes render me to quit everything and disappear from this world.
You go through an entire week or even months on end feeling low but not knowing why. Sometimes not really sure if you actually are feeling low. Not really sure if you are not. Just a state of daze and drifting.
Today I'm feeling very low for no profound reason. Most times when it is indeed a decidedly low phase like today's, I have never found the reason, the why, but I think I know why in a lateral sort of perspective.
You can never appreciate the importance of 'someone', unless his/ her absence is felt and understood. You may never know what a great professor you had yesterday if you did not have a lousy professor today. You may never apprehend the good times until and unless you go through the bad ones. You may never appreciate the food on the table unless you have felt the weakness caused by hunger at some phase of your life. And you may never appreciate your wealth-or the pay cheque you get today-if that hunger was caused because you could not buy food to eat!
We need a reference point. Every low phase is preparing you for a higher experience of happiness. A higher state of being. An ability to cherish and find more joy.
Ah! but that is all fine. I know am talking too much today! I might be sounding like a saint! LOL! But these feelings are crapping my head and as usual my fingers seem unstoppable- they have gone and taken me quite off course. Help me get out of it!! Someone pleaseeee!
Those are the usual things that strike all of us living this so called 'life'-work, friction with those that you love and subsequent heart-burn, the responsibilities that you have that you are not happy about the way you are shouldering them…you know the rest.
I guess, its time to wrap this up, 'cause at one point of time I don't seeming to understand why I am writing this and what I am thinking of... My heart seems to miss someone badly, mind- surrendered wholesomely in front of heart. Understood? I know, it makes no sense to you but means a lot to me!