1. I do wear glasses.
2. I and even sun ones. I think glasses are sexy.
3. I’m a bit left handed as well as right handed.
4. I’m not a handy girl. I save my hands for more interesting jobs.
5. I’ve a hairy head, and it sucks at times to manage.
6. I’ve been the thin kid.
7. I’ve been a badminton player. I like playing both badminton and table tennis.
8. I won a badminton championship.
9. I used to be the school’s butterfly.
10. I prefer chocolate to vanilla, but I always say the opposite. I love devouring into ice cream.
11. I have really REALLY huge feet, and no I’m not implying anything else other than feet.
12. I have a mole on my nose and my left foot is black.
13. I smile, though put on serious look sometimes.
14. I laugh at silly jokes...hard.
15. I’m very good at making friends.
16. I’m so much of an introvert.
17. I get self-conscious very easily.
18. I break into tears on attending flawless performances.
19. I find it quite tough to hold grudge for long ( I think of that as a problem).
20. I like one of my brothers a little bit more than the other. And no I’m not telling which.
21. I think the sexiest thing about a man would be an exaggerated simplicity and not trying too much to look hip hop.
22. Voice would come 2nd sexiest thing about a man.
23. I find texts/voices more erotic than graphical stimuli.
24. I love Evanescence blindly.
25. I listen to all kinds of music.
26. I always try to put myself in others’ shoes. Which stinks by the way. But its better to have our own individualism.
27. I have longest hair exceeding my bums.
28. No, I’m not the smartest person I’ve ever met. But I’m one of the smartest gal I’ve ever met though.
29. I’m not anti-islamist, and I’m not pro-islamist either.
30. I find socialism quite interesting.
31. I believe Hitler was pretty cute.
32. I love being a tease.
33. I love my family. The small one that is.
34. I’m a lovable gal.
35. I can cook!
36. I’ve never sat the house on fire while cooking.
37. I adore reading.
38. I’m very multi-tasking.
39. I can be in two places at the same time.
40. I talk to voices in my head. Mhmm, or were those my headphones?
41. I had my heart broken once, at least.
42. No, I don’t think it’s that bad.
43. I’m not good at physical fights, since I hate punching people in the face and sensitive areas. A dork eh? lol
44. I’m hopelessly romantic, or used to be.
45. I’ve never had a drop of alcohol, neither have I had a breath of smoke.
46. No of course never been on drugs, DUH!
47. I don’t wanna live “too” much. Would be a bummer.
48. I’m sure about my sexual orientation, thank you very much.
49. Freezing time is the superpower I crave to have. Healing is a good secondary.
50. I react to the international events up to illness.
51. Yes I day-dream. What do you mean “alot” ??
52. I’m a slow english reader, last time I checked 122 words/ minute.
53. Last IQ test I had, I scored 131. So no, I’m not a genius.
54. I sometimes grow my finger nails.
55. I know how to swim.
56. I find porn movies hilarious.
57. I’ve been to the ICU room before. As a patient.
58. I majorly fall sick almost all the time.
59. I find sleep a waste of time. But tell that to my addictive receptors.
60. I am in risk of DM, Hypertension, Ischemic heart diseases, and Atherosclerosis... I guess.
61. I love watching cartoons.
62. I don’t have any piercings/tattoes. My skin is pretty enough!
63. I usually get away with bad things I’ve done. But I get punished for what I haven’t. So I think it’s fair enough.
64. I have traveled through plane many times.
65. I love trains. Just LOVE’em.
66. I prefer sneakers to shoes.
67. I let myself be walked allover by others, unintentionally.
68. Um, yes I have an okay self-esteem.
69. I didn’t always want to be a biochemist.
70. I drive both cars and bikes
71. I didn’t have a bike until I was 11.
72. My best physical feature is my long hairy head.
73. I hate snobs, wanna-be’s, ignorants, hypocrites, cowards, leeches, inappropriately horney’s, exhibtionists, pimps, drama-queens/kings, loose-lips, and biased persons.
74. I despise egotist.
75. I don’t have a certain fetish, not that I know.
76. Yes I wanna be rich!
77. No I never believed in shortcuts, not until last year no.
78. I drink loads of water.
79. I’m a very lazy person.
80. I love hot showers, I love the feeling I get right after them as well.
81. No I don’t like to stare at my body!! You freak!
82. I went fishing once with dad. Never caught anything...alive.
83. I’ve never had a grandpa. I came too late.
84. I have the weirdest english accent you’ll ever hear.
85. I prefer cats over dogs.
86. I don’t believe in horoscopes, but I think they are pretty funny.
87. I don’t like it when people tell me that I’m so0 like someone, or remind them of someone.
88. I sleep in prone position, and get buffy eyes. I cover my ears. My sleep is very light. I don’t cross my legs. And I don’t complain about food.
89. I like all sorts of cuisine.
90. My wildest dream? Well at the moment, is to seal your lips up together.
91. Yeah I know there’s only 10 to go.
92. Stupid guys turn me right off. Stupid gals? ummm .... even they!
93. I was out of India many times.
94. No silly, sex isn’t everything. Fore and afterplay are!
95. I’ve never fired a real gun.lol. but would love to shoot freaky heads.
96. I think flowers should be left uncut.
97. I scratch the tip of my nose when I’m nervous/irritated/ can’t find anything to say.
98. Nope, I never lie. I might however precept the truth differently, that doesn’t count as a lie. Just different version.
99. I walk like a cat. I never fall like one though.
100. I believe in God. I believe in all his messages. I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe in fate, angels, demons, and spirits. I believe in the after world, heavens and hell. And it always added much to my points of view, never the contrary.