I want to die when I can no longer look at this mug shot of mine in the mirror.
No, wait, I felt this way just this morning.
hmmmm. Let's rephrase.
When sex appeal plummets to zero permanently and when health is no longer something you can take for granted, when aches and pains become as regular a fixture in your life as the need to relieve yourself, when relieving yourself is no longer a voluntary action, when voluntary actions are a thing of the past because you can't even feed yourself, when sight is gone and hearing is difficult and your ears and nose are really really large (because did you know that you are born with the same size eyes for life but that your nose and ears NEVER stop growing?). Uh anyway! Where was I? when all that is what your life has become - or, what MY life has become - then I would rather be dead. My birthday went like a big bummer. I couldn't possibly stop myself thinking that am 21 now- that am growing old- for God's sake.
Anyway, regardless of all the philosophizing, I can sit here and make about the pros and cons of a long life, I know for a fact that I don't want to live to be 120 years old, and certainly not if it means I have to drink OLIVE OIL to do it. I am not yet 22 and I'm already really tired of this world of ours, so can you IMAGINE!?
Thanks but no thanks. I'm thinking 75 max. 80 if I like my kids and their spawn. We shall see.
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