What Came First The Chicken or The Egg
Bemused? You don't have to be. Well, this question has been debated for centuries. I am not expecting a straightforward answer or even think that people would agree on this. But here’s something hilarious! hehehee I thought I’d share this! Something I was reading and was funny. A bunch of answers from some people I know and some page I frequently visit. I posted this for a laugh but you could get something profound out of it…lol....something like a research article on it....haha
I always doubted about this ? I believe first egg came then from the egg chicken but wait if there is no chicken how the hell the egg comes ? What you think ? what came first ..egg or chicken ?-Raj
Me: I think you should leave the thinking to me hahaha. You just messed up my mental health!
I believe the chicken came first. Like Adam and Eve there were a Mr and Mrs Chicken long ago. Cookie
Me: I’m thinking you’ve seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith…lol
Some people say that the egg came first since the chicken evolved from something else, which had already had eggs, but that simply opens the next question - in that species, which came first? Tracing it right back, which would have originated first? I think that the chicken would plausibly have come first, since, following the theory of evolution, we started evolution as bacterium that reproduced without eggs; as they evolved, so they evolved into species with the capacity to produce eggs; if there is an egg, it must have been laid by something!-Prof. Dan
Me: Of course! So which came first?
I belive the egg a dinosuar had a retarded egg or baby and then the egg had siters and brothes and they had sex and then chickens came into this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -My younger Brother
Me: haahaahahhaahhhhhhahaha what’s up with the retarded egg? Why’d it have to be retarded? So a retarted egg came first?
Neither. Chickens evolved from reptiles. -Cadie
Me: Now that’s interesting but aren't chickens avians...lol
The frying pan, then what started out as a meal became a trivia question to talk about after the meal.- Dotmut
Me: lol…yum yum
"The chicken" came first - in the sentence of the question. If the question is phrased differently, the answer is different-My elder brother
Me: So lame..lol
“Who gives a shit!” - beccysempire
Me: lmfao.. cheers!
There are two answers to this question. One serious, one retarded. Let's start with the former.
# 1. The egg came first. We know that chickens evolved from some earlier, non-chickenoid form of life, e.g., the half-bird, half-reptile Archaeopteryx. These non-chickens, however, arrived in eggs. Ergo, eggs were on the scene before chickens.
# 2. The chicken came first because (sigh) the chicken had to get laid before the egg could. Don't say I didn't warn you. -Bennymicro
Me: Now this is some kind of answer!
Chicken............or maybe egg.........but what about chicken........but the egg.......How am I supposed to know? -Choco
Me: LOL go figure Choco!
It’s really hard to say. you need a chicken to lay the egg, but the chicken itself came from the egg. the whole thing just keeps on repeating -Sisi
Me: Yes history repeats itself..lol
Neither, they had to evolve from something else! -Mom
Me: What is this the cuckadoodledoo theory then, Mom?..lol
The chicken. If the egg came first there would have been no chicken to sit on it and make it hatch. Thats just my guess! -Mary
Me: I say keep on guessing Mary...lol
This age old question can not be answered with fact. There are many opinions, but the best is one of evolution and natural selection. The chicken evolved like many other animals, and the production of the "egg" came about in this evolution. Some place along the line, the chicken and the egg were present at the same time.
Another view looks at the evolution of mammals from lower life forms and the actual growth from one celled organisms or "eggs". In this view, the egg comes first, and the chicken is a result of the evolution of the one celled organism -Corvet Willy
Me: Bravo! That’s more like it
Do some experiment to prove the answer. You could bring a chicken and a dozen eggs to Post office and mail it to your home. You will find out which come to your home first. -Bishoy
Me: hahahah
the rooster -steve
Me: really? Have you considered the HEN that lays the egg?
This is actually very easy to answer, based on evolution the egg had to come first. Evolution works like this: There are slight changes in the genetic information of the sex cells (i.e. eggs and sperm) of individuals that are passed on to the offspring of any two parents. These changes in the genetic makeup are called mutations. Mutations can either have: 1) A deleterious effect on the offspring (genetic disorders may arise, many times these are lethal); 2) sometimes these mutations may be advantageous, making an individual more fit than its neighbors (this is sometimes referred to as conferring an advantage); or 3) these mutations can have no effect, making no change from parent to progeny.
In the case of the chicken, it must have evolved from something else that became less fit than the chicken and eventually becoming extinct. The chicken became a chicken from this other organism through mutations that built up over time in subsequent generations. However, whatever the genetic makeup that finally became defined as a chicken, that individual was first conceived and developed in an egg before being hatched. The egg and sperm that fused to produce the chicken didn't bypass the period of gestation within an egg that had developed in the bird family millions of years before the chicken came along.
So the simple answer to this question is the egg came first -- unless you believe in fairy tales? -J.R.
Me: Way to go J.R! This would be a clear-cut explanation but too overwhelming. My children won’t understand this..lol
The egg did (but the chicken managed an orgasm shortly thereafter while the egg was smoking a cigarette). -portnoyscomplaining
Me: hahahah funny you need to seek therapy..lol
you really have to get down to the molecular level for this one. The chicken dna came first (it's parents were 'pre-chickens'). Then....as the dna/zygote divided...it grew to the point where it formed the eggshell. So, while on a year-by-year/generation-by-generation definition of first, both the chicken and egg formed at the same time, on a minute-by-minute basis, the chicken dna came first. Question...does now mean "this year", "this second" or "this microsecond"? -quicksilver
Me: Solved the mystery out of it..lol...not yet
According to the holy books, of which I firmly stand on, the chicken and rooster would have been made at the same time, in order to make more chickens of their kind. When God made the animals, it included the birds of the air. And He told them to multiply after their own kind. Since no other valid explanation has ever presented itself to me, AND the fact that God does not lie, it's good enough for me.-lynn
Me: Thanks! Now who want’s to defy the word of GOD?
In my opinion lynn had the best answer for the theological point of view since it’s the only one that was presented.LOL. And for the more scientific way of explaining things , I’d take bennymicro's answer –the former one. It was short, not very detailed but just reading it gave me the answer. Now it would be interesting to know your opinion..hehee..So which came first the chicken or the egg ?LOL
hey gurl..
u dint ask my opinion be4 pasting ur research artice..
so m not gonna disclose my valuable theory LOL..
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