Thursday, September 4, 2008


what we feel
is always more than what it is…
we are greedy by nature
and thus
we get the more
instead of the truth.


Esfand` said...

WOW! interesting .... really interesting concept :D

hmmm... more vs truth .... cant we get more truth?

Philosophical ...are we?? ;)

Naaz Farheen Rahman said...

generally, it's human nature to constantly want - more and more. To want to better yourself, your situation, your surroundings. Nothing is ever ENOUGH. We keep asking MORE and MORE. Its like a desire that we perpetually look to have more and during the process we oversee things which are clearly visible to our naked eye...
as we are so damn busy wanting to have 'more' we hardly pay attention in looking for 'more of truth'

lol, yea...we are entering into the realms of core philosophy :P

The New Age Superhero said...

amen! :)