A hundred things about me:
- 1. I do wear glasses.
- 2. I and even sun ones. I think glasses are sexy.
- 3. I’m a bit left handed as well as right handed.
- 4. I’m not a handy girl. I save my hands for more interesting jobs.
- 5. I’ve a hairy head, and it sucks at times to manage.
- 6. I’ve been the thin kid.
- 7. I’ve been a badminton player. I like playing both badminton and table tennis.
- 8. I won a badminton championship.
- 9. I used to be the school’s butterfly.
- 10. I prefer chocolate to vanilla, but I always say the opposite. I love devouring into ice cream.
- 11. I have really REALLY huge feet, and no I’m not implying anything else other than feet.
- 12. I have a mole on my nose and my left foot is black.
- 13. I smile, though put on serious look sometimes.
- 14. I laugh at silly jokes...hard.
- 15. I’m very good at making friends.
- 16. I’m so much of an introvert.
- 17. I get self-conscious very easily.
- 18. I break into tears on attending flawless performances.
- 19. I find it quite tough to hold grudge for long ( I think of that as a problem).
- 20. I like one of my brothers a little bit more than the other. And no I’m not telling which.
- 21. I think the sexiest thing about a man would be an exaggerated simplicity and not trying too much to look hip hop.
- 22. Voice would come 2nd sexiest thing about a man.
- 23. I find texts/voices more erotic than graphical stimuli.
- 24. I love Evanescence blindly.
- 25. I listen to all kinds of music.
- 26. I always try to put myself in others’ shoes. Which stinks by the way. But its better to have our own individualism.
- 27. I have longest hair exceeding my bums.
- 28. No, I’m not the smartest person I’ve ever met. But I’m one of the smartest gal I’ve ever met though.
- 29. I’m not anti-islamist, and I’m not pro-islamist either.
- 30. I find socialism quite interesting.
- 31. I believe Hitler was pretty cute.
- 32. I love being a tease.
- 33. I love my family. The small one that is.
- 34. I’m a lovable gal.
- 35. I can cook!
- 36. I’ve never sat the house on fire while cooking.
- 37. I adore reading.
- 38. I’m very multi-tasking.
- 39. I can be in two places at the same time.
- 40. I talk to voices in my head. Mhmm, or were those my headphones?
- 41. I had my heart broken once, at least.
- 42. No, I don’t think it’s that bad.
- 43. I’m not good at physical fights, since I hate punching people in the face and sensitive areas. A dork eh? lol
- 44. I’m hopelessly romantic, or used to be.
- 45. I’ve never had a drop of alcohol, neither have I had a breath of smoke.
- 46. No of course never been on drugs, DUH!
- 47. I don’t wanna live “too” much. Would be a bummer.
- 48. I’m sure about my sexual orientation, thank you very much.
- 49. Freezing time is the superpower I crave to have. Healing is a good secondary.
- 50. I react to the international events up to illness.
- 51. Yes I day-dream. What do you mean “alot” ??
- 52. I’m a slow english reader, last time I checked 122 words/ minute.
- 53. Last IQ test I had, I scored 131. So no, I’m not a genius.
- 54. I sometimes grow my finger nails.
- 55. I know how to swim.
- 56. I find porn movies hilarious.
- 57. I’ve been to the ICU room before. As a patient.
- 58. I majorly fall sick almost all the time.
- 59. I find sleep a waste of time. But tell that to my addictive receptors.
- 60. I am in risk of DM, Hypertension, Ischemic heart diseases, and Atherosclerosis... I guess.
- 61. I love watching cartoons.
- 62. I don’t have any piercings/tattoes. My skin is pretty enough!
- 63. I usually get away with bad things I’ve done. But I get punished for what I haven’t. So I think it’s fair enough.
- 64. I have traveled through plane many times.
- 65. I love trains. Just LOVE’em.
- 66. I prefer sneakers to shoes.
- 67. I let myself be walked allover by others, unintentionally.
- 68. Um, yes I have an okay self-esteem.
- 69. I didn’t always want to be a biochemist.
- 70. I drive both cars and bikes
- 71. I didn’t have a bike until I was 11.
- 72. My best physical feature is my long hairy head.
- 73. I hate snobs, wanna-be’s, ignorants, hypocrites, cowards, leeches, inappropriately horney’s, exhibtionists, pimps, drama-queens/kings, loose-lips, and biased persons.
- 74. I despise egotist.
- 75. I don’t have a certain fetish, not that I know.
- 76. Yes I wanna be rich!
- 77. No I never believed in shortcuts, not until last year no.
- 78. I drink loads of water.
- 79. I’m a very lazy person.
- 80. I love hot showers, I love the feeling I get right after them as well.
- 81. No I don’t like to stare at my body!! You freak!
- 82. I went fishing once with dad. Never caught anything...alive.
- 83. I’ve never had a grandpa. I came too late.
- 84. I have the weirdest english accent you’ll ever hear.
- 85. I prefer cats over dogs.
- 86. I don’t believe in horoscopes, but I think they are pretty funny.
- 87. I don’t like it when people tell me that I’m so0 like someone, or remind them of someone.
- 88. I sleep in prone position, and get buffy eyes. I cover my ears. My sleep is very light. I don’t cross my legs. And I don’t complain about food.
- 89. I like all sorts of cuisine.
- 90. My wildest dream? Well at the moment, is to seal your lips up together.
- 91. Yeah I know there’s only 10 to go.
- 92. Stupid guys turn me right off. Stupid gals? ummm .... even they!
- 93. I was out of India many times.
- 94. No silly, sex isn’t everything. Fore and afterplay are!
- 95. I’ve never fired a real gun.lol. but would love to shoot freaky heads.
- 96. I think flowers should be left uncut.
- 97. I scratch the tip of my nose when I’m nervous/irritated/ can’t find anything to say.
- 98. Nope, I never lie. I might however precept the truth differently, that doesn’t count as a lie. Just different version.
- 99. I walk like a cat. I never fall like one though.
- 100. I believe in God. I believe in all his messages. I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe in fate, angels, demons, and spirits. I believe in the after world, heavens and hell. And it always added much to my points of view, never the contrary.
I save my hands for more interesting jobs.
ahem.. :P.. :)
I’ve been a badminton player.
i challenge thee :P
I have really REALLY huge feet, and no I’m not implying anything else other than feet
..and my left foot is black.
interesting :D
I’m hopelessly romantic
those are divya's words!!!!! :P :P.. oh god.. u guys can be best pals and all :P
I don’t wanna live “too” much. Would be a bummer.
I find sleep a waste of time. But tell that to my addictive receptors
whoa!! so you love eggs, trains, sneakers, talk to yourself a lot, can be at 2 different places at a time, have an okay self-esteem and hate sleep!!
*staring at the mirror.. i mean.. screen in amazement* :P
Nope, I never lie. I might however precept the truth differently, that doesn’t count as a lie. Just different version
hehe.. intelligent
I think glasses are sexy.- u got it boss :P
I’ve been a badminton player.- bring it on girl... :)
I have really REALLY huge feet,- sigh.. me too... finding nice shoes is a pain in the neck
I laugh at silly jokes...hard.- and i crack them even harder!
I’m so much of an introvert.- hell yeah if u dont know me, its very hard to get there
I break into tears on attending flawless performances.- i got teary eyed on seeing the ending of ice age.. beat that.... :|
I think the sexiest thing about a man would be an exaggerated simplicity and not trying too much to look hip hop.- yes... guys with jeans just hanging on to their ass is just a turn off... and the spiked hair too
I have longest hair exceeding my bums.- used to...
I love being a tease.- copy that ;)
I adore reading- live for it
I’m hopelessly romantic, or used to be.- ditto. and yes, i used to be. its gone down a bit now.
Yes I day-dream.- too much fr my own good
I know how to swim.- won medals for it :D
I find porn movies hilarious.- yes!!!
I love trains. Just LOVE’em- yayy :)
I let myself be walked allover by others, unintentionally.- sigh... yes
I’m a very lazy person.- sigh.. yes
I don’t believe in horoscopes, but I think they are pretty funny.- dont get me started :P
I walk like a cat. I never fall like one though.- not me.. but nice one, this :D
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